The celebration of the Quinceañera is a special time for the girl and her family. Parents and friends publicly present her as a gesture of thanks and gratitude for the gift of life. For the Quineceañera it is an affirmation of her commitment to Christ. The Quinceañera, though not a sacrament is sacramental and therefore, can be celebrated in different forms depending on the family’s needs and its participation in the life of the parish.
A Mass of Thanksgiving with the blessing of religious articles, gifts from friends and family who attend. These are signs of gratitude for the beautiful young lady who celebrates today.
These are private masses and are usually scheduled on a Saturday afternoon. To schedule a Quinceañera mass celebration, please contact the Parish Office.
The Quinceañera must have ALL this done and handed in two weeks before the date of the celebration to the Director of Religious Education:
the Quinceañera will have a signature form for the Deacon or Father to date/sign after attending Mass.
the Quinceañera must have received the sacrament’s of Baptism and First Communion. submit a copy of certificate if not done at Our Lady of Refuge, San Jose, CA.
the Quinceanera Candidate must complete 25 hours of community service at Our Lady of Refuge prior to the Quinceañera celebration.
must receive the Rite of Reconciliation (confession).